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Revolutionizing Agri Supply Chain Management @KisanHub - A Case Study

Discover How Digital Innovation Transforms Potato Supply Chain From Growers to Global Brands like PepsiCo

Revolutionizing Agri Supply Chain Management @KisanHub - A Case Study

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~ 4 min read


The agricultural industry has always been the backbone of many economies, but with technological advancements, there's a growing need to modernize traditional practices. One such aspect is the supply chain management in agriculture, specifically the journey of crops like potatoes from the farm to processors like PepsiCo or Frito-lay. This article explores a transformative approach to Agri Supply Chain Management, detailing the problems faced, the process of modernization, and the outcomes.

Understanding the Key Players

Processors: These are companies that convert raw crops into consumable products. Examples include PepsiCo and Frito-lay, which process potatoes into crisps and chips.

Growers: The farmers who cultivate and harvest the crops.

Producer Groups: They act as intermediaries between the processors and growers.

Load Ticket: A crucial document in the supply chain, containing details about the crop, timing, grower, weight, and quality.

Hauliers: Individuals or companies responsible for transporting goods.

The Core Problem

Traditionally, managing the supply chain involved a lot of paperwork and manual data entry, leading to errors, inefficiencies, and financial discrepancies. Load tickets, a vital part of this process, were manually written and distributed, consuming time and resources.

The Pre-research Goals

Before diving into solution development, two main goals were established:

  1. To create a system that enables easy generation, tracking, and completion of load tickets while minimizing risks.
  2. To provide real-time insights into the supply and demand of crops.

The Journey Begins: From London to Cambridge

The project commenced with excitement and a trip to Cambridge, UK, though it took 6 hours in immigration check at Hethrow.


However, starting from scratch meant extensive groundwork, beginning with understanding the existing process's intricacies.

Research Insights

The research phase revealed several critical points:

  • Dependency on Excel sheets led to time-consuming processes and errors.
  • Report generation was complicated and inefficient.
  • Distribution of load tickets was slow.
  • Repetitive information entry was common.
  • Double payments occurred due to poor record-keeping.
  • There was a lack of real-time visibility in supply and demand.
  • Management lacked updated metrics.

Tackling the Supply Chain

The focus was primarily on the sequence:

Harvesting ⇒ Farm ⇒ Washing ⇒ Lorry Filling ⇒ Weighing ⇒ Haulier to Processors.

This process, pivoting around load tickets, was ripe for digital transformation.


Field Observations

Visits to fields, interaction with stakeholders, and understanding the ground realities were crucial. This involved observing the harvesting process, the use of weather stations, and understanding the operational flow at every stage, from washing to transportation.


Ideation and Brainstorming

Back to the drawing board, the team engaged in extensive brainstorming sessions. Whiteboard discussions, sticky notes, and endless cups of coffee marked this phase, translating field observations into actionable insights.


Goals Post-Research

Post-research, specific objectives were defined:

  1. Eliminate physical paperwork, especially load tickets.
  2. Minimize redundant data entry.
  3. Automate report generation.
  4. Enhance traceability from farm to consumer.
  5. Provide actionable data analysis and insights.
  6. Create a user-friendly, efficient, and enjoyable system.

Concept Development

The solution envisioned was to digitize and streamline the process. Minimizing risks while maximizing efficiency and transparency was the key focus.

digest digest

Final Thoughts and Learnings

The project, from conception to launch, was a journey of learning and innovation. Critical takeaways included:

  • The importance of stakeholder communication and management.
  • The necessity of involving engineers early in the design process for practical and efficient solutions.

The resulting application was well-received, indicating a successful transformation in the Agri Supply Chain Management.


Do you have any questions, or simply wish to contact me privately? Don't hesitate to shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Have a wonderful day.
Abhishek 🙏

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