Favourite Links, Blogs and Podcasts
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Published At
Reading Time
~ 2 min read
In the process of learning, I've gone through many articles, blogs, newsletter, videos and followed many people. Some of those resources are mentioned here. And, there are many which are not yet here but I'll add those links as soon as remember.
Business and Tech
Society, Philosophy & Life
Other Recommendations
- Seth Godin
- Creative Something
- Hackernoon
- The Know Your Team
- Inside Intercom
- Bring the Donuts
- The Hipper Element
- Product Disrupt
- Nir and Far
Some Good Courses I've Learned From
- Beginner JavaScript by Wes Bos
- JavaScript30 by Wes Bos
- ES6 for Everyone by Wes Bos
- Epic React by Kent C. Dodds
- Master Gatsby by Wes Bos
- Fullstack Advanced React and GraphQL by Wes Bos
- Testing JavaScript by Kent C. Dodds
- Three.js Journey by Bruno Simon
- The Looking Glass
- Sidebar
- James Clear
- Wait But Why
- Dev: React Status
- Dev: Frontend Focus
- Dev: Jamstacked
Do you have any questions, or simply wish to contact me privately? Don't hesitate to shoot me a DM on Twitter.
Have a wonderful day.
Abhishek 🙏