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VS Code show function keys in MacBook touch bar

Customize your VS Code experience by displaying function keys on your MacBook's Touch Bar.

VS Code show function keys in MacBook touch bar
VS Code

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~ 1 min read

VS Code have tons of shortcuts and some of them include the function keys. But in MacBook with touch bar, it have some shortcuts and make it bit difficult to use function key while being productive. One has to press the fn and then get the access to function key.

Yes, there is easy way to show function key in touch bar.

Open system preferencekeyboard. Then select the shortcut tab. On left, select Function Keys and then click the + plus sign. This will open the Applications folder. Select VS Code. And that is it

system preference

It looks nice now. Though, I like the MacBook touch bar, it's just it is a hurdle to use it when developing something.


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Have a wonderful day.
Abhishek 🙏

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