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These tools might help you in your daily productivity


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Reading Time

~ 2 min read

Ok, after getting inspired from many, here are my list of software and hardware I use and serve as a living document and a place to point for curious developers or designers.

If there is something missing, you can ask me on Twitter

Editor & Terminal

  • Visual Studio Code - Find my settings here:
  • PyCharm - Everything related to Python
    • Night Own from Material design theme
  • Dank Mono, Fira Code as fallback font, you can find it here
  • Warp

Chrome Extensions

Desktop Apps

  • Arc - The Browser Company
  • Moom
  • Figma
  • PyCharm
  • Notion
  • Spotify
  • Warp
  • Noizio
  • Postman → Insomnia
  • Raycast
  • Kap
  • Slack
  • Zoom
  • TablePlus
  • Kindle


Here are a few highlights:

Make sure to check out uses.tech for a list of everyone's /uses pages!


Do you have any questions, or simply wish to contact me privately? Don't hesitate to shoot me a DM on Twitter.

Have a wonderful day.
Abhishek 🙏

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